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Kicked in the End: A Magic Show is a surprising heartfelt one man show with magic and the unexpected


By Ezekiel McAdams


August 2 2024

Kicked In The End A Magic Show Saskatoon Fringe 2024.jpg

  Kicked in the End: A Magic Show by Shawn De-Souza-Coelho, is a surprising myriad revelation that is unquestionably unique and bold. The show intertwines genres of a one man show, magic and humor that was incredibly heartfelt, sincere and creative.


  De-Souza-Coelho is magnetic, throwing humor while pulling on your heartstrings as the easily jumps from monologing, audience engagement, puppets and magic without missing a beat.


  This show is a must see because it is quintessential Fringe. It would be a disservice to go into more detail and ruin the magic, pun intended, that De-Souza-Coelho created


  Kicked in the End: A Magic Show is playing at The Refinery from August 2-10th 2024 at the Saskatoon Fringe Festival. Tickets can be bought online here, the box office on site or at the venue itself.   

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