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Fringe Preview Night Op-Ed

By Ezekiel McAdams

July 31 2024

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*This is an Op-Ed. The views are those of Ezekiel McAdams' thoughts and opinions of the Fringe Preview Night and do not express Culture Gecko.*

  I can’t remember the last time I was at the Fringe, possibly 2017 or 2018 but I’m not sure nor do I remember the last preview night I attended.


  The atmosphere for me was so thrilling, it’s akin to revisiting a fair or circus or unlocking your artistic passion and childlike wonder. It’s a kaleidoscope of different theatre styles, genres, mash-ups that range from political to satire to the absurd and bizarre and I love it!

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  The evening officially began with the festival’s artistic director, Anita Smith, taking the stage and being witty, socially engaging and charming infusing her opening with self deprecating humor that immediately set the tone.

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  Saskatoon actor, performer and comedian, Danny Knight, was this year’s host. Knight was funny and kept the show and the tight time frame running with ease.

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  The first preview was Song Without Words (Or, The Mendelson Play) by Chicago’s Jennifer Vosters. The show is playing at The Cosmopolitans Seniors’ Centre. Vosters was charming and instantly went into a monologue about classical musical and sold the show as something different that peaked my interest.

Kicked In The End A Magic Show Saskatoon Fringe 2024.jpg

  The first of five magic shows was Kicked in the End: A Magic Show by Canadian Shawn DeSouza-Coelho. The show is playing at The Refinery. I’m sold on the title alone.

16 The Musical Live Fully Productions Saskatoon Fringe Festival 2024.jpg

  Up next was 16: The Musical by Saskatoon’s Live Fully Productions. The show is playing at The Broadway Theatre. My first impression was it appeared to be cast of teenagers singing about the throes of being sixteen. I love musicals, I will always support local talent and I’m intrigued.


  Many years ago, in 2011, I fell in love with Twenty Five: The Musical from Edmonton actor, Joel Crichton and was instantly nostalgic and was compelled to find the cd or mp3’s of the production on my computer once I got home.

Catch Me In The Kitchen Story Adventures Saskatoon Fringe 2024.jpg

  A fairytale extravaganza, Catch Me In The Kitchen Story Adventures by Saskatchewan company, Catch Me in The Kitchen was next on the docket. The show is playing at The Refinery.


  One of my regrets was not seeing enough children’s theatre from previous Fringe festivals that I either reviewed or was a patron of. I plan to rectify this and eagerly await fairytale goodness. The preview was interrupted by Knight after it went overtime by Knight’s interjection of “Oink! Oink! You’re Dead!” This may be paraphrased and of course sans context.

The Kid Was A Spy Jem Rolls Big Word Saskatoon Fringe Festival 2024.jpg

  Jem Rolls returns to Saskatoon with his production of The Kid Was a Spy by U.K.’s Jem Rolls/Big Word. The show is playing at The Broadway Theatre. Rolls revealed it is his 150th Fringe show. I can’t remember if I’ve seen any of Rolls’ previous productions and look forward to crossing this one of my bucket list this year.

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  Night Sweats by Regina’s Sweat n’ Gumption is playing at The Refinery and appears to be a semi-autobiographical one man show presenting performer, Brad McDougall’s perception in London’s disco era 1978-1979 AIDS epidemic and crisis. It appeared to be both heartfelt and relevant.

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  We return to our second magic show, El Diablo of the Cards from Brazil’s Ewerton Martins. The show is running at The Refinery. Martins was engaging and made the most of the two minute time frame that left both an illuminating and intriguing quality. How can I say no to Brazil and magic?

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  From magic to hiking we're introduced to GO from Canada’s Pitchin’in Productions. It is playing at The Broadway Theatre. The performer’s name escapes me but made it a must see with the premise of a 300,000 mile hike!

Full Metal Comedy Fourth Time's a Charm Full Metal Comedy Saskatoon Fringe Festival 2024.p

  I’m embarrassed to admit that when Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm from Saskatoon’s Full Metal Comedy (featuring host, Danny Knight). The show is running at The Cosmo that I had never heard of them.

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  Performer Cheyenna Sapp, took the stage and was touted as being one of the cast members of Acting Good on the CTV Comedy Channel (formerly The Comedy Network) I had neither heard of her or the series and as someone who tries to keep track and watch Canadian tv not only did it plug a new series for me to check out but her demeanor and quick with lines such as “I’m going to keep this short and sweet like your uncle" was instantly hilarious and charming that it moved to the list of shows I’m eagerly anticipating.

Catching Feelings The Most Romantic Juggling Show SAskatoon Fringe 2024.jpg

  Our third magic show is next, Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show by Calgary’s Jason Circus. The show is playing at The Refinery. Circus took the stage and provided a humorous anecdote/monologue about not being part of the Festival until the last minute. “What’s the best way to force people to come to my juggling show?  I didn’t know I was doing this until last week." Circus quipped.  What’s this? A romantic juggling show that’s not in the program? Color me intrigued.

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  Our second last magic show of the festival, Super Funtimes Magic by Long Beach, California’s The Baggy Pants, playing at The Broadway Theatre can only be described as purely physical, big clown energy with magic and umbrellas.

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  My worst fear enters the Fringe festival space, RATS! I’ve had a phobia ever since I was a kid, while biking I saw a open manhole on my street and decided to explore and see how it compared to the sewer world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, my impulsive adventure scarred me for life as instead of my heroes, the turtles I was met with a swarm of rats covering my runners.


  OK! Back to the show, Rat Academy by Canada’s Batrabbit Productions is playing at The Broadway Theatre and are human performers in rat suits Not sure if it’s anthropomorphic rats or normal rats? . Honestly, I don’t how this is going to go, I’m going to try to keep my bias in check and hopefully not only enjoy a show but walk away tackling with one of my fears.

The Stalker of Bradford Woods The Little Company that Could Saskatoon Fringe 2024.png

  Any true crime fans or fanatics? Prepare for The Stalker Of Bradford Woods from Saskatoon’s The Little Company That Could. The production is playing at the Cosmo and highlighted a scene between a photographer and true crime junkie. I love the true crime genre as both a guilty pleasure and one of my obsessive jams. "Gaze towards metaphorical horizon." – Photographer.  Can’t wait!

Survival of the Spookiest Wonder City Collective Peach Pit Productions Saskatoon Fringe Fe

  While waiting for Halloween, one of my fav seasons, I have a delightful chaser in Survival of the Spookiest from Saskatoon’s Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions. This spooky monster mash game show is playing at The Refinery and I can only hope that there’s a plethora of monsters, fun and maybe an appearance from the Creature From the Black Lagoon! Fingers crossed! "PHANTOM OF THE REFINERY!" – Unidentified Performer.

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People Jessica Pigeau Saskatoon Fringe Festival 2024.png

  I would love to know more about How to Lose Friends and Alienate People from Grand Prairie’s Jessica Pigeau but sadly as our host announced that Jessica couldn’t be here, I’ll have to wait!. The show is playing at The Broadway Theatre.

Chase Padgett Grab Bag Cabaret Saskatoon Fringe Festival 2024.png

  So as many know, I LOVE FLORIDA! I’m obsessed with the state it holds a myriad of emotions ranging from embarrassing to delightful to intriguing and infuriating at times depending on the news cycle. I’ll be there for Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret by Orlando, Florida’s Chase Padgett with bells on! Playing at The Cosmo, I don’t care if air boats, swamps, sinkholes, Robert the Doll, Key Lime Pie, Miami Vice are neither mentioned nor present.  You had me at Florida, sir but I’ll stay for the singing and stories.

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  Two men escape a care home and go to a metal festival in AWOL from the U.K.’s Rob Gee RibbitRePublic. Playing at The Broadway Theatre, I never knew I wanted to see two heavy metal inspired shows until Rob Gee took the stage!

Hinterland Rogue Souls Productions Saskatoon Fringe  Festival 2024 Poster.png

  An ecological nature anthology with puppets awaits us with Hinterland by Saskatoon’s Rogue Souls Productions, playing at The Cosmo, I’m certainly intrigued and still saddened by missing Dancing Sky Theatre’s production of Greensleep, I promise to be there as long as it doesn’t end up in Meacham, Saskatchewan and I don’t have to hitch to get out there without a vehicle.

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  Ok, we have caves, spelunking, conflict and friendship in Passage By, David S. Raine by Saskatoon’s Scribble-Arte. The show is playing at The Refinery. The show promises hiking and highway bingo. I’ve needed a cave adventure story in my life! Belay on!

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  Last up and our fifth and final magic show of the festival is Absolute Magic from Canada’s Keith Brown playing at The Cosmo, Brown made an enduring impression with his quip "Before I shamelessly hawk my wares." – Brown.

  While they were originally announced in this festival’s program, two shows, Neurospicy by Canada’s Cate McCoy and The Adventures of Ickey-Oney and Captain Mittens from Canada’s Squirrel Suit Productions are now canceled. The shows were originally scheduled to play at The Refinery and Cosmo’s venues.

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The Adventures of Ickey-Oney and Captain Mittens Saskatoon Fringe 2024 Canceled Production

Below is an updated schedule of the 2024 Saskatoon Fringe Festival with updated shows, times and venues.

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  Saskatoon’s 2024 Fringe Festival runs from August 1st-10th 2024 at various venues. Tickets can be purchased online at the box office or at the venues itself.  

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