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Taste of Saskatchewan Day 3: Blog Post



By Ezekiel McAdams


July 13 2017


  I arrived at 1 PM, Chris Brinklow, also one of the music coordinators, was finishing his set.  A very pleasant voice that I wish I heard more of.


  Noble Liars were up next, and were a cannonball of energy, classic rock with prairie heart. It was however, the afternoon lineup of three female bands; Killjoy, Jezabel and The Wolfe that had my attention. I've been waiting for them, since I heard there were female fronted bands in the festival, let alone on the same day!   In my opinion, there should be more female fronted bands in a music industry still headlined by men, not just in our city, province but the world and universe!


  Killjoy was up first. Honestly, my favourite act of the festival so far. While they may not be as polished as other acts that day or even during the week, they make up for it with their raw talent and passion that made them infectious. A pop punk sandwich dripping with heart. They mostly played covers of Blink 182, Green Day but it was their stage presence that was impressive. They brought a levity to the atmosphere, trying to mix it up with the audience, asking about food and telling stories in between songs. They only problem was there was no audience. I think if Killjoy had been given a better spot, like say, an evening spot, the crowd would have loved them as their energy and stage presence was infectious.


  Live One filled the spot before, Jezebel and The Wolfe.  Their sound was really unique mixing a Japanese and Korean style infused with interesting lyrics, electronic vibe, interspliced with rock. The band, originally a trio, until earlier this year, aim to bring a different sense and a diversity to the Saskatoon music scene. They succeeded. I will definitely look out for them in the future.


  Jezebel was next, bringing a powerful rock sound to the stage. While both Killjoy and Jezebel have a similar pop punk sound, Jezebel's lead singer brought a commanding presence to the stage that made it very different.  Plus, who said there can't be two awesome female fronted pop punk bands in this city! Their cover of "White Rabbit", originally performed by Jefferson Airplane, was particularly haunting.


  When The Wolfe made it to the stage, the crowd had significantly grown, as people came after work and early supper rush. The Wolfe had brought notoriety to the stage and festival, as they were recently selected  as a top four in CBC's 2017 Searchlight contest. I had listened to The Wolfe's EP, after hearing about them on Searchlight and I must say, they are better live! The trio packed a punch as they brought a fiery performance full of rock and punk. A tidal wave of indie rock juxtaposed to a cool confident energy, that swept the stage. Their set list oozed with songs that felt polished and perfected as the  band is in the middle of a tour. The passion and drive that The Wolfe brought was memorable as I sang their songs and catchy lyrics as I walked home, later that evening.


  Key Of J, came in at 6:30 with a lot of heart and rockability. Their covers of such songs  by the Rolling Stones had a quiet indie charm despite the band bringing a more rock n roll cred.


  And that was it for me. I had been there a couple of hours and my phone battery was nearly dead. I didn't get any food today.


   The rest of the bands that played that day included, Rory Lawford, Caught in a Dream and 100th Meridian.

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